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Welcome to our Media Center, where you can find the latest updates, press releases, and media coverage about our company. As a leading visa agency in Dubai, we specialize in facilitating urgent touristic visas for the USA, Europe, China, Australia, and other global destinations, making international travel seamless for residents of the UAE.

Here, you will find a comprehensive collection of our most recent announcements, including news about our innovative services, strategic partnerships, and customer success stories. Our media coverage section highlights how we’ve been featured in prominent international publications, showcasing our commitment to excellence and our role in helping travelers achieve their global adventures with ease.

We invite you to explore this section to stay informed about our ongoing efforts to enhance the visa application process and to see how our work is recognized throughout the Middle East.

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Revealed: Top destinations where UAE residents travelled this summer
23 August 2024
The Visa Services reports 65% of travel requests are for Europe, with the USA at 25% and Asia-Pacific at 15% in Q2 2024
23 August 2024
UAE Sees 20% Surge in Schengen Visa Applications in Q2 2024
23 August 2024
Schengen visas in the UAE: What travellers visiting Europe need to know
7 August 2024
The Visa Services reports 65% of travel requests are for Europe, with the USA at 25% and Asia-Pacific at 15% in Q2 2024
6 August 2024
Los residentes de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos presentaron 20 solicitudes
6 August 2024
UAE Residents Drive 20% Surge in Schengen Visas in Q2 YoY
6 August 2024
UAE Schengen Visa Applications Increase 20% Due To The Paris Olympics And Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour
6 August 2024
UAE residents flock to Europe: Schengen visa applications surge by 20%
6 August 2024
طلبات تأشيرات الشنغن من المقيمين في الإمارات تسجل زيادة سنوية بنسبة 20% خلال الربع الثاني من عام 2024، حيث تستحوذ على 65% من مجمل طلبات السفر التي تعالجها شركة ذا فيزا سيرفيسز (The Visa Services) التي تعمل في مجال خدمات التأشيرات، ومقرها دبي تلتها طلبات السفر إلى الولايات المتحدة بنسبة 25%، ومن ثم دول منطقة آسيا والمحيط الهادئ مثل سنغافورة وأستراليا والصين التي تمثل 15%، وفق بيانات صادرة عن شركة ذا فيزا سيرفيسز حصلت فورتشن العربية على نسخة منها.
6 August 2024
UAE Residents travel to Europe: Schengen visa applications surge 20%
5 August 2024
Europe Continues To Charm UAE Travelers: Schengen Visa Applications Rise By 20% In Q2 2024
5 August 2024